Matching Gift Programs
Many companies provide matching gift programs that multiply their employees' charitable donations. If you or your spouse are employed by a matching gift company, your contribution to the Brain Injury Association of Maryland could be significantly increased. Matching gifts are designated to the same campus, college, and fund as the donor's original gift. To obtain a matching gift from your employer, contact the company's human resources department to obtain a matching gift form. Complete the donor/employee part of the form and send it with your contribution to BIAM. We will complete the foundation's portion of the form and return it to the company to initiate their fulfillment of the match.
Not sure if your company provides a matching gift program? Contact your human resources department or search the Blackbaud Matching Gift database for information about participating matching gift companies.
Not sure if your company provides a matching gift program? Contact your human resources department or search the Blackbaud Matching Gift database for information about participating matching gift companies.