Brain Injury in the Skilled Nursing Facility Environment
Brain Injury 101 |
Brain Injury Nursing Care - Sesson 1 |
Brain Injury Nursing Care - Sesson 2 |
Substance Abuse, Brain Injury, and Person Centered Strategies
Addiction and Brain Injury |
Addiction and Brain Injury: Strategies and Accomodations |
Developed with a Generous Grant from the State of Maryland Office of Health Care Quality in association with Beacon Institute and LifeSpan Network.These trainings were prepared by the presenter's in their personal and professional capacities. The opinions expressed in these trainings are the presenter's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the State of Maryland Office of Health Care Quality, the Beacon Institute, or LifeSpan Network.
What if There's a Brain Injury?
A One Hour
Specialty Training Developed in Cooperation with
the National Association of Head Injury Administrators and
the University of Ohio
Specialty Training Developed in Cooperation with
the National Association of Head Injury Administrators and
the University of Ohio
While public awareness of TBI has shifted dramatically since it was dubbed “a silent epidemic” in 1980, appreciation of its effects has not garnered the attention of healthcare professionals and Skilled Nursing Facility staffs outside of rehabilitation. Particularly, with many health specialists, a gap remains in knowledge about TBI, understanding its implications for physical and behavioral health conditions, and active consideration of treatment implications. This overview is intended as an initial attempt to briefly summarize key elements of the disorder and speak to the multiple points of convergence with behavioral health concerns, substance abuse, and physical complications.
CLICK on the YouTube Image below to Start the Training
CLICK on the YouTube Image below to Start the Training